3rd Week

Today the 3rd week of 2021 is coming to an end. We are still struggling with the covid-19. We have vaccines but countries, especially the European ones are acting slow. Businesses struggle, meanwhile I’m contemplating quitting my job and starting my own business. I’m sure many would call me crazy because in the middle of pandemic it wouldn’t be easy to find a new job, but since I’m not looking for a job that logic shouldn’t apply to me.
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Human Connection

In this modern times people have become lonely. This statement sounds odd because we are more connected than ever. However we see have a shallow connection to other people and we rarely get so close to share our feelings and to really care about each other. At least this true for me, I have a few close friends which I talk to frequently and when we are in the same country!
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Recently I came across Charlie Munger’s USC Law commencement speech, which you can easily find it on YouTube. In his speech Charlie speaks about lessons he learned in his life. There are invaluable gems which I highly recommend to listen to and to put in use in life. One of these learnings which struck me the most was “Assiduity”, he likes how it sounds and suggests everyone to practice and learn to be able to just sit their asses down and get the job done.
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This is a simple note. It’s only purpose is to maintain my writing streak. It’s been 21 days starting from first day of 2021. I remember the new years eve like it was yesterday, yet the January is almost over. Time passes so quickly, days come and go, the winner is one that goes to bed every night happy and a little wiser and more accomplished than they woke up. Tonight I go to bed, knowing a thing or two more, but that’s the minimum, do better.
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How to make money?

How can one make money? Getting a job right? well it works but it’s difficult to grow, also do you want to spend your life working for someone else? Start a VC backed company? Too much stress, you might never get anywhere, also works nicely in SF not in Europe. Becoming an Instagram influencer? Well depends on your physics! and attitude, could actually work nicely. Youtuber? Game streaming? Live coding on Twitch?
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