Relationships are often complicated, and when you use the work complicated to describe a relationship is probably not a healthy one. Something that’s been difficult for me is to discuss the fact that I don’t see the current relationship I’m in to advance any further with my partner. We’re in good terms, enjoying our time together and you could say everything is perfect, it really is, but at the same time I know that this is not the person I would love to spend the rest of my life with.
The pandemic has worn everyone down. Sometime a simple visit from a not so close friend is a bliss. Today a friends who is in the same profession as me visited me in my town. We went for a walk in the woods and exchanged ideas on any random topic you could think of. In the end she came in for a cup of tea and some snacks. Even though we were both tested negative recently and had no interaction with third-parties we unconsciously maintained the awkward 6 feet or 2 meters in real units.
What makes a good investor? I can make a couple guesses but I don’t have much experience in this area, but I can tell you what are the signs of a bad investor. To be clear now I’m talking about investors in tech companies, maybe I should say VC or Angel, but in the case of my story the investor is neither a VC nor an Angel. Our company has one investor so far, and although they do not have the full control of the board, in practice most of the time they control the majority.
I’m exhausted. It’s not the work, I have some free time during the day to catch a breath and recover from the never-ending Zoom! calls. But I’m exhausted. It’s constant thinking of not belonging. It’s the feeling that you’re not valued. It’s the thinking that you’re wasting your youth on a pointless struggle. Others are paying their mortgage back and driving expensive leased vehicles and I’m just extending their livelihood until the whole house of cards comes down collapsing.
Motivation, is one of the most important factors in achieving goals and getting work done. I certainly am affected highly by motivation and how I feel about certain tasks. If I don’t like doing a certain thing and there are no good incentives I would most likely postpone that task indefinitely. There are some tasks that I know I cannot get rid of and by choice or force I got to get done.