Recently I came across Charlie Munger’s USC Law commencement speech, which you can easily find it on YouTube. In his speech Charlie speaks about lessons he learned in his life. There are invaluable gems which I highly recommend to listen to and to put in use in life. One of these learnings which struck me the most was “Assiduity”, he likes how it sounds and suggests everyone to practice and learn to be able to just sit their asses down and get the job done.
This is a skill that I lack, to be more precise I can do that under two conditions, one a deadline approaching and two, when I’m deeply interested in the task and its outcome. Sometimes I just get carried away with procrastination not because I don’t want to do the job but because I forget what was the task in the first place. This is certainly arises due to lack of focus however it can be remedied by clearly defining the goals for example for the day, therefore if you write the most important task/goal of the day on a sticky note then by occasionally looking at it you’ll know if you’re slacking off or working towards your goal.
Today in the spirit of Munger I just did this and actually make some progress, however I still need to strengthen my assiduity muscles and methods to be more productive.